Frequently Asked Questions


1. Where are the Sterling Weekends held?

The Sterling Weekends are currently being held in the Oakland/Bay Area of Northern California.

2. What is the cost for the Sterling Weekends?

The cost for the Sterling Weekends is $725.00 (US)

3. What is a typical Sterling Weekend schedule?

The Sterling Weekends begin on a Friday at 12 noon, and approximately 9:00am on Saturday and Sunday. The Friday and Saturday sessions will generally complete between 12:00am and 1:00am. The Sunday session completion is 9:00pm or later. There are various breaks during the Sterling Weekend.

4. How can I find out more about the Sterling Institute, Sterling Men’s Weekend, Sterling Women’s Weekend, A. Justin Sterling?

Contact Us

5. How can I register to attend the Sterling Men’s or Women’s Weekend?

You can register online, please visit our Event Schedule page, Men’s or Women’s Weekend pages for more info and registration links.